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                        GASPE, QUEBEC

Over the years, I’ve spoken with many people who believe

the Atlantic Salmon to be a superior gamefish and would

argue they are the top freshwater sport fish.  I’ve always

wondered about the Atlantic, but never fished for them

until recently.  Gaspe, Quebec has a collection of clear

water streams within a short distance that offer trophy

Atlantic Salmon fishing with guides who are expert at

sight fishing with floating lines, and, when conditions are

right, a drifted fly.  Clear water…..casting to sighted

fish….floating lines……dry fly fishing possible….trophy

sized fish – these are the reasons we’ve added Gaspe to

our select group of destinations.


There are three primary rivers within short driving

distance of Gaspe and other waters that can be reached.

  Each is broken into pools – gathering spots where salmon

stop while makingtheir way upstream to spawn.  The rivers are further broken into pools – gathering spots where salmon stop while making their way upstream to spawn.  The rivers are further broken into sectors.  Some of the sectors are spectacularly beautiful with canyon stretches, waterfalls, and crystal clear pools over varying rock formations carved out by nature throughout the centuries.  There are lotteries to determine who gets which sectors for what dates and our outfitter in Gaspe handles the lottery drawings for all our clients.

What makes this experience special is the crystal clear streams and, if your guide selection is correct, you’ll only cast to sighted fish with floating lines.  Also, when conditions are right, you can do a fair amount of fishing with large, floating (not skated) dry flies and upstream presentation, ala New Zealand.

The Atlantic is a spectacular sport fish, capable of stripping line deep into the backing and dramatic aerial antics.  They reach large sizes with third year returning fish in the 15- 22 pound range and fourth year returnees are 30+ and can reach in excess of 40 pounds.  They are also a challenge to get to eat and this should be considered a trophy fishery where, even with a good guide, you’re doing well to release one good fish a day.

Prices range from $2,000 per person (based on shared occupancy and guide) for 5 nights and 4 days guided fishing.  This includes lodging, meals, and sector rod fees (options explained in our detailed report).  Season is from June 1 to September 30.

Details are in the special Gaspe report below, numbered 1.

Click on the following links for additional information and/or client comments about this destination:

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Don Muelrath
Fly Fishing Adventures

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