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KAMCHATKA:   If there was a list of recently discovered

destinations that could be termed controversial,

Kamchatka would be at the top of the list.  Many will

tell you of the wonderful rainbow trout and steelhead

fishery and have stories and photos to back it up. 

Others talk about the travel hardships and logistical

nightmares for a relatively average fishing experience. 

From my personal experiences, I’m in the second category.  

However, it certainly is an adventure and you definitely

can “hit it right.”  My personal recommendation is

consider a trip if you hunger for the adventure of visiting

Russia because that part of the experience does make it

unique and worth some hassles.  There are many options

in fishing Kamchatka from a few permanent lodges, to float

trips utilizing stationary camps with huts, to the very remote

“roughing it” float trips with tent camps set up each night.

We work with the providers of all the options.

THE PONOI RIVER:  The reputation of the Ponoi River as the

world’s most outstanding Atlantic Salmon fishery is not in

doubt.  Proof is the great number of  fly fishers who fanatically

pursue Atlantic Salmon and take this trek every year making

space very  hard to obtain.

In less than a decade, the Ponoi has grown to be recognized as one of the great fisheries in the world today.  The massive and improving runs, consistent across a long season, provide aggressive and free-taking fish.  The Ponoi provides Atlantic salmon fishing in two of its purest forms:  almost all floating line fishing and excellent opportunities to fish skated dry flies.

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Don Muelrath
Fly Fishing Adventures

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